Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Abstract Desktop Wallpaper

Abstract Desktop Wallpaper Biography
Statement of what a scholarly or complex written work contains, presented as a summary usually by someone other than the author of the work. An abstract aims to present only the gist of the subject matter, stresses brevity, and makes no attempt to preserve the flavor or style of the original. See also abridgment, digest, outline, précis, summary, and synopsis.
Abstracts, like all summaries, cover the main points of a piece of writing. Unlike executive summaries written for non-specialist audiences, abstracts use the same level of technical language and expertise found in the article itself. And unlike general summaries which can be adapted in many ways to meet various readers' and writers' needs, abstracts are typically 150 to 250 words and follow set patterns.
Because readers use abstracts for set purposes, these purposes further define abstracts.
Abstract Desktop Wallpaper
Abstract Desktop Wallpaper
Abstract Desktop Wallpaper
Abstract Desktop Wallpaper
Abstract Desktop Wallpaper
Abstract Desktop Wallpaper
Abstract Desktop Wallpaper
Abstract Desktop Wallpaper
Photoshop tutorial: Custom Abstract Desktop Wallpaper #2
Photoshop tutorial: Custom Abstract Desktop Wallpaper

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